Be advised: Unless you are...
a)a fan of Sean Penn... b)owner of a
free pass to see this film...or c)an active member of
N.A.M.B.L.A. you
will probably not want to see this morbid and twisted
movie. Once again I
was lulled into seeing a film based strictly on the
participants. Can
you blame me? "Mystic River" boasts Penn,
Tim Robbins, and Kevin Bacon
in the cast. If that's not enough to grab your attention,
Eastwood lends his director skills. This movie is not
enjoyable to watch,
dare I even say it is terrible to watch! The acting,
especially Penn, is
excellent! Eastwood is efficient in his direction! The
story is ugly!
"Mystic River" starts innocently enough with
three youngsters playing
street hockey in their Boston neighborhood until.....and
this is a "big"
until....until two men posing as
Beantown's finest pounce on their prey. The false officers
of the law intimidate Dave into their "squad car"
and end up treating this poor child like a catcher's mit.
Dave escapes his pedophilers on a literal level but is emotionally
and psychologically damaged goods. Fastforward twenty something
years later and these three young boys are now still living
in the same neighborhood struggling to get over the guilt
of that fateful day when their innocence was stolen. Jimmy
(Penn) is an ex-con who's daughter is murdered and Sean (Kevin
Bacon) is the cop who is assigned to the case alongside Larry
(yeah that's right Larry....never tell me he prefers to be
known as Laurence)Fishburne. The emotionally scarred Dave
(Tim Robbins) becomes a key suspect in the grizzly murder.
There is, however, a single redeeming quality to this brutal
yarn. Jimmy enlists the aid of two neighborhood palookas simply
known as "The Savage brothers" to hunt down the
demon. It is certainly rare to see such knuckle dragging goombas
portrayed so bad! "The Savage brothers" are so stupid,
stereotypical, and completely lack the slightest inkling of
an intimidating presence that you will find yourself seriously
amused. Now mind you I do love gangster stereotypes, but these
sorry idiots are just down right entertainingly horrible!
Fuggedaboutit! "The Savage brothers" are pretty
useless just like "Mystic River"!
Rating: A naked Whoopi Goldberg (Pat
Connor) |